Saturday, September 12, 2009


On 7 -11 October 2009, our courses had been taken to Pulau Bidong ( the island that own by our own univercity). it's an unforgetable memory because it is the 1st time i involve myself in the sea activity. Once reached there, i was shocked by the sea view there. the sea water is so clean.

we have been go through many activity exp sea survival, fishing, snorkeling, keno, and menjejak warisan. it's a very different experience and enjoyable. At first, i very scare to swim in the sea coz i dunno how to swim at all!
but after try to do it i can swim to the boat. but after reached the boat i start to feel my head is spinning... OMG..
for the second day, my group start fron the activity keno. This activity need a lot of energy. Then, we requierd to "menjejak warisan". I felt shocked when i reached the place there. GOT A LOT OF STATUS THERE. That place had been used locate all the Vietnamese. i even can imagine the life there.
I like the most activity snorkeling. I can see through the water underworld. From the first scare until trembling until i enjoy it very much, the process is so interesting....
After that we go for fishing on the middle of the sea. i cant stand it until i almost vomit.
I love bidong!